Below are the key services provided to the entire cluster. If you have any concerns or problems with any of our service providers, please contact Hemingway Cluster Association rather than calling the provider.
Trash and Recyling Collection
Our trash collection contractor is American Disposal Services. Both Trash and Recycling are collected each Thursday. Trash receptacles, which are provided by American Disposal Services, are to be put out for collection no earlier than dusk the night before a scheduled pick-up and are to be put away no later than dusk the day of a scheduled pick-up. Trash receptacles are to be kept in the garage, or otherwise hidden from view. Trash is to be contained in a proper receptacle with a lid on pickup days so that the wind and scavenging animals cannot scatter it on the street.
Recycling, now required by law in Fairfax County, is also handled by American Disposal Services. Newspapers, magazines, aluminum cans, plastic containers, glass, etc., must be recycled. Recycling is collected each Thursday. Recycling bins are also provided by American Disposal Services.
For more information about single stream recycling in Hemingway, including what can and cannot be recycled, see the American Disposal Services website.
Snow Removal
Snow removal on all roadways within the cluster is provided by Environmental Enhancements. The cluster streets will be plowed, and may be treated, as required. Please keep the guest parking spaces clear to facilitate the plowing.
You are responsible for clearing your own driveway, porch, steps, brick walkway, and sidewalk in front of your home. However, if you wish, you may contract with a private vendor to have your private property cleared.
Landscaping, Lawn Care and Grounds Maintenance
The landscaping and lawn care covered by your cluster fee is provided by Environmental Enhancements, and includes services provided for the common areas and private residences as well. Care of the common areas includes mowing and edging; turf, shrub and tree maintenance; disease and insect prevention and control; mulching non-grassy areas and around trees; leaf removal; and maintenance of the plants at the cluster entryway. Care of residence areas includes mowing, turf insect and disease prevention and control, and leaf removal. Enclosed areas will not be serviced.
If you do not want Environmental Enhancements to provide any or certain of the services for your property, please contact HCA.
Environmental Enhancements uses organic products as much as possible. When certain conditions require the use of chemicals, e.g., crab grass control, grub control, etc., Environmental Enhancements will apply the chemicals only in the affected areas and in the quantities necessary. It does not make blanket applications of chemical insecticides, pesticides, and fertilizers.
You are responsible for all care and maintenance of your property beyond that provided by Environmental Enhancements, including watering and maintaining all shrubs, trees, and flower beds around your residence. Before making any permanent changes like adding or removing a tree, you should verify that you are within your own property boundaries.
You may change your private landscape plantings, other than trees, without seeking approval from Hemingway Association. However, “structural” changes require approval. In addition, there have been circumstances where homeowners have wanted to plant in a common area; if you want to do that, you must seek approval from Hemingway Association.
General Maintenance
Non-landscaping grounds maintenance covered by your cluster fee includes cleaning and painting gas light fixtures; painting mail boxes, staining mail box posts and holders; and re-painting and re-staining the fences and signs at the cluster entryway. Damaged or rusted mailboxes will be replaced.
Neighborhood Watch
Hemingway has been a very safe neighborhood. Gas lights are located throughout the cluster and, in addition, it is recommended that residents keep front lights on all night as a way of securing the neighborhood. For additional information from the Fairfax County Police Department, click here.